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person checking phone calendar with computer calendar in background

The Payoff Behind Time Management
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

From the start of life, we learn how to prioritize daily events. From waking up to dinner time to bedtime, we become accustomed to routines. Time management, or what some may say “personal management,” follows the same guidelines, only we adjust our day to fit the non-routine elements better. While this soft skill benefits children of all ages in their learning, it has the long-term impact of...

Qualities and Skills that Transfer to Entrepreneurial Success
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry


Every parent wants their child to succeed. To find their "niche" where their personality and skills will pay off in the long run. Fortunately, there is a professional space that is full of possibility and innovation for...

Job Vacancies' Reaching an All-Time High & What it Means for Teens
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the last business day of March 2021 brought a record high of 8.1 million job openings in the United States. Among those hiring, industries including accommodation and food services, state and local government education, arts, entertainment, and recreation experiences experienced the most significant workers'...

Girl at bank with parent

Getting Your Child Set Up with a Bank Account
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Financial Literacy

This blog discusses how you can set your child up with his or her first bank account, the benefits, and tips for how you can establish smart financial...

Junior Achievement sustains college-bound teens

 By Terry Date at The Eagle Tribune

Community Involvement

Two first-generation college students from Lawrence high schools will embark on business studies this fall, venturing forth in the thick of a pandemic.

Rabeka Saouma and Johsuar Moya say they are prepared and eager for the journey, fortified by $10,000 scholarships and abiding confidence, assets gained straight out of participation in the century-old Junior Achievement...

Two Merrimack Valley Residents Receive $10,000 Scholarships

 By El Mundo Boston

Community Involvement

Rabeka Saouma and Johsuar Moya, recent graduates of Central Catholic High School and Lawrence High School, will attend Babson College and UMass Lowell in the fall, thanks to the 2020 Stephen G. Sullivan Scholarship.

Rabeka Saouma, a recent graduate of Central Catholic High School, and Johsuar Moya, a recent graduate of Lawrence High School, were each awarded the 2020 Stephen G. Sullivan...

Rabeka Saouma '20 Awarded $10,000 Scholarship from Junior Achievement

 By Central Catholic High School

Community Involvement

Congratulations to recent CCHS grad Rabeka Saouma '20, who was one of only two students to receive a $10,000 Junior Achievement (JA) Scholarship through Junior Achievement of Northern New...

JA Teens Survey: The Financial Impact of COVID-19
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Financial Literacy

JA Teens Survey: The Financial Impact of...

Workers connected to laptop

Making Sense: Work in the Time of COVID-19
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry

Work Readiness

A Guide to How COVID-19 Is Affecting Work and What Comes...

Making Sense: The Impact of COVID-19 on Business and Innovation
Blog from JA USA

 By Hannah Henry


A Guide to How Entrepreneurs and Businesses Are Responding to...

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